Recurrent Breast Cancer

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


 Need to boost your focus, memory, and attention?
Here are suggested on-line web sites to strengthen your brain. They are not listed in order of price or effectiveness.      
1.  Lumosity:  This program has forty games that exercise mental speed, attention, flexibility, problem solving, and memory. You can sign up for as short-term free trial. At some point later, the company requests you pay a fee to continue service. Lumosity tracks your progress by use of a “Brain Performance Index,” instantly available.  

2.  Raven’s Progressive Matrices
 Mr. John Raven originated an IQ test in 1972 for people to test their IQ. If you take his on-line test, you can compare your IQ score to that of the “general population.” His website is “based on answers from more than twenty five thousand people.” Though its scientific background is unclear, it is free. When I took the test, it was challenging to get through the exercise from beginning to end.

3. This free blog site provides recommendations for sharpening memory.

4.  Posit Science Brain HQ; 2013 version. This program trains attention, brain speed, and visual and auditory memory. It is endorsed by sixty medical and nursing schools, and universities. You can purchase it; can be purchased on line from Amazaon for for$369 at 

Before you decide on a specific program, check the company’s prices and compare. Most businesses require monthly, quarterly, or annual charges to continue service. Note the company’s disclaimers, terms of service, and restrictions.  Finally, ensure that these training packages are compatible with your computer’s operating system.

 “I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and -- I can't remember what the third thing is.” Fred A. Allen, American humorist, Golden Age of American Radio.

For questions or comments, contact Dr. Clem at